Rinnes Medical Group

Mount Street, Dufftown, AB55 4FJ

Telephone: 01340 820888 / Prescriptions 01340 821636


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Rattray’s Lane, Tomintoul, AB37 9HF | Telephone: 01340 820888

Fear of Flying

Aeroplane Flight Tracker Ajab gajab Flight attendant why planes not painted black Airplane white Colour ukup | Aeroplane Colour: काले रंग के नहीं होते प्लेन, जानिए क्यों सफेद रंग के होते हैं

Guidance for Diazepam for travel has changed and the aviation industry do not recommend that we prescribe this; moreover, Diazepam is not licensed for use in this capacity.  So, whilst you may have received Diazepam for flying in the past, due to the updated guidance, it can no longer be prescribed.

For more information, please see the advice below:

  • use of diazepam causes longer reaction times and slowed thinking.  Therefore may incapacitate you in the event of an emergency;
  • you may be denied boarding or removed from the aircraft if the crew deem you unfit to fly. Your travel insurance will not cover this;
  • diazepam use can increase your risk of DVT/blood clots due to sedation and therefore you are less likely to move your legs;
  • sedating effects can cause some respiratory depression at high altitudes;
  • rarely but significant, can increase aggression in patients which would be detrimental passenger safety;
  • if used along with alcohol all of the above is enhanced;
  • certain countries it is illegal to take these into especially middle east; your travel insurance will not cover you if you knowingly take drugs into a country against their regulations;
  • diazepam is not licensed for this use.

There are plenty of very good fear of flying courses which may be better use than using diazepam or over the counter preparations such as calms etc.

See links below for courses:

Easyjest – http://www.fearlessflyer.easyjet.com/ – Tel: 0203 813 1644

British Airways – https://flyingwithconfidence.com/venues/glasgow – Tel: 01252 793 250

Rinnes Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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